Episode 60: The First Three Distortions

After a long break, Nithin and Jeremy return to discuss a 1974 Hatonn session that presages the Ra contact revelations in so many ways. In the context of the long lineage of Confederation channeling, they discuss what they mean by love and light, how they interact and relate to the first distortion, free will. This leads them to address thoughts on the nature of manifestation and the thread connecting it back to the Creator through a variety of successive distortions, a task that doesn’t quite yield to the intellect. Evolution then tracks through time the process of this thread being traced back to unity, as we learn how to truly become self-conscious enough to become a participant in the Creator’s evolutionary project.

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Episode 59: Contemplation

Nithin and Jeremy welcome “Linus,” an anonymous Other Selves Working Group member, to the show to help them discuss Ra’s concept of contemplation. Distinguishing it from meditation and prayer, they examine these three forms of inner work, observing how contemplation addresses the attention to one’s conscious mind in a way congruent to meditation’s attention to the deep mind. Reflecting on their own experiences with contemplation, the trio discuss how contemplation relates to other aspects of the seeker’s life, especially its relationship with inward inquiry, catalysis, and growth.

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Episode 58: A Deep Dive Into the Archetypes, Part 2

Jeremy is once more joined by Steve Tyman to continue their discussion of the mind and body cycles of the tarot images and their relation to the archetypal mind. They begin with a recapitulation of the idea behind concept complexes with an emphasis on the veil’s effect on the operation of the significator. This leads to discussion of the liminal station of transformation and the summarizing/integrating station of the great way, where one can see the reflection of the mind in the body and the delicate resonances of the logoic plan in the archetypal mind. Steve and Jeremy tie back the polarity introduced by the veil between the conscious and unconscious minds which features prominently in understanding the character of transformation and the great way. This sets the stage for tackling the spirit cycle, which we shall address in a future episode in light of the relationships articulated up to this point between the seven stations and the two cycles.

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Episode 57: The Shadow Self

Nithin and Jeremy team up to explore Confederation messages that discuss those darker parts of the self less understood and accepted. Extremely few if any of us lack imbalances, so we always have material to work with coming through in our dreams, our biases, our catalyst, and those crazy ways we surprise ourselves. Several Confederation messages suggest that incorporating the shadow self into the greater self is part of the service-to-others path where we gain our grit and tenacity to continue walking the path when it is toughest. Jeremy ties in Monka’s recent comments on introjection and projection aspects of the mirroring effect and how it relates to the shadow self.

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Episode 56: Dreams and the Dream-like

Nithin and Jeremy welcome back Jamie Liestman, who last spoke with us on dreams and the Law of One in episode 48. This time we cover some new ground, starting with Jamie describing how she uses art to better work with her dreams. We discuss the qualitative nature of dreams as time/space experiences, stressing the primacy of their subjective, affective, and atemporal properties. After lamenting the lack of respect society shows dreams, they analyze a Q’uo message to explore how waking life might be symbolically interpreted as if it were a dream in a way benefiting the seeker.

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Episode 55: A Deep Dive Into the Archetypes, Part 1

Steve Tyman joins Jeremy for the first of a series of conversations on the twenty-two archetypes that provide a tool for working with the archetypal mind. In this episode they focus on the first five stations of the mind and body cycles: matrix, potentiator, catalyst, experience, and significator. Starting with a re-introduction to the very idea of what an archetype is, they discuss some aspects of these ten archetypes as well as what is meant by “mind” and “body” specifically, with some digressions into the nature of time/space as contrasted to space/time. The other archetypes—the spirit cycle as well as the transformation and great way stations of mind and body—will be discussed in future episodes.

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Episode 54: Addiction

What is addiction, and how does it interact with spiritual evolution? Nithin and Jeremy explore this topic in light of its prevalence and variety in late third density society, bringing in a number of Confederation sources for insight into addiction’s relationship with catalyst, desire, comfort, the sinkhole of indifference, and other concepts of interest to the seeker. They also address the psychology in light of the shallow emptiness of the modern “rat race” while also recognizing the catalytic, transformative promise inherent in the suffering that addiction represents.

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Episode 53: Conflict and Peace

Responding to the proliferation of warfare on the planet recently, Nithin and Jeremy analyze a post-9/11 Q’uo session discussing bellicosity and peace. The principle addresses several biological, cultural, spiritual, and philosophical factors that make not just our people but past third density populations in our system so warlike while also suggesting an appreciation for war’s intense potential for catalysis. Those of Q’uo direct us to look within at our own attitudes and quality of seeking so that we can discover not just the ideal of peace but how to live it and thereby radiate it to the entire planet. It is this personal commitment to unconditional peace and the sacrifices it may entail that help us confront the spiritual root causes of conflict.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Episode 52: The Problem of Evil

Dr. Stephen Tyman joins Jeremy for a conversation about the problem of evil and its relationship to the Confederation’s concept of polarized seeking. Steve gives an introduction to how evil has been historically regarded, ranging from a notion of evil as a mere absence of good to the idea of evil as a positive value diametrically opposed to good. They analyze the character and recognizable traits of service-to-self other selves in psychological, spiritual, political, and philosophical aspects, including how service-to-others seekers might relate to those of the opposite polarity.

Apologies for the diminished audio quality. There’s also loud noise that interrupts us around the 58:00 mark, that’s the context for our pause and joke about humility and patience..

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Episode 51: Intuition and Intellect

After a few thoughts on how seekers think about careers, Nithin and Jeremy discuss the nature and function of intuition and how it relates to other aspects of mind. They delve into a 1986 Laleema transcript that addresses intuition and intellectual analysis, comparing them to listening and speaking, respectively. Both are required, and only the balance between the two can help one to reach the true goal: the Creator.

It is in incarnation that we get the mixture right because our lessons become firmly grounded in the lasting consequence of making one choice rather than another. Intellectual analysis in particular can help one discern which intuitions are genuine insight and which are expressions of imbalanced emotions; even skepticism and doubt can serve the discovery of genuine faith. This faith, coupled with will, constitute the heart of seeking, Laleema says, allowing us to discover resources beyond ourselves bringing to fruition our recovery of our true identity as the Creator.

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